The strenght of a weakness


  • Year: 2019 – 2020
  • Size: 100 x 70 cm
  • Media: Mixed Media on wood

“A symbolic thought is not an exclusive domain of the child, the poet or the deranged, it is inherent to the human being: it precedes language and discursive reasoning. The symbol reveals certain aspects of reality – the deepest aspects – that any other means of knowledge eludes”.

From the book “Comparison with Mircea Eliade – Mythical archetypes and historical identity” edited by Luciano Arcella, Paolo Pisi and Roberto Scagno. Jaca book publisher

This is the story of Medusa who has made her weaknesses her strength, adapting to modern times where the female gender is still considered too often by: television, advertising, in working environments and in everyday life as a Decorative Presence. The figure is statuesque, petrified, only the redness of the cheeks and the snakes that come out of the picture seek a connection with the viewer.

Looking Into the contact person’s eyes is a sign of respect and interest to whom they are speaking, but often the focus will shift concentrating on the exterior aspect such as; physical aspect or apparel rather than the conversation itself. Hence, the Gorgon’s eyes find themselves bored on her breasts, tired of watching the usual scenarios, in her orbits two deep black holes act as a barrier to her most intimate feelings. The controversy has an ironic tone and uses symbolic language to communicate, requiring an insistent gaze from the viewer stimulating reflection and emotional involvement.