The women of my life


  • Year: 2020
  • Size: 110 x 70 cm
  • Media: Acrylics and Pastels on mdf

“This world needs a mother to take care of it.”

The work aims to bring reflection on the importance of recognizing women as essential individuals in the growth and evolution of a society and the innovation of inserting their thoughts into history. In the picture, the child in the foreground is the hope of change, accompanied by four female figures who represent Intelligence, wisdom, practicality and love, they are statuesque figures placed in the background to instill security and courage, and they send a message of unity towards the viewer; my goal is the emotional involvement of the viewer, who manages to get involved by the enthusiasm of the possibility that a change can take place and images in a different future; and somehow wants to keep alive the memory of the women in our lives who have helped us grow.