

Year: 2019 – 2020
Size: 70 x 120 cm
Media: Acrylics and Pastels on wood and paper

The painting “Lilith”, who was born from this sentece, represents a feminine figure whose beauty of her body and the the power of her generating strength are shown.

In the Hebrew history Lilith means “The night”, and embodies the emotional and spiritual aspects of the darkness, sensuality and unrestrained freedom. She fought for her right to control her own body, her own pleasure, her own destiny, and she’s represented without any shame, with actual pride, a statuesque figure that hugs herself with an aureole of gold rays that give sacredness to the figure, creating almost a divine astmosphere.

We are our thoughts. We create what we think about. The constant thought in our mind repeated over and over will become a reality; so, it’s rucial to remember that we chose to be everything we are. The Woman, here, is protagonist, free from stupid stereotypes and free from forced rules of perfection that society puts and she invites all the women to find the courage and to take back their place in a society ruled by men.